July favorites

by - 21:40

Here are my favorites from last July, some of them actually have many more months.
My favorite TV Shows are: Shadowhunters and Game of Thrones

My favorite drink and snack are: Verbena Tea and Snack Cocktail Mix from the supermarket here in Portugal. The tea has several prices on the market, starting from 0.59€ up to 1.89€, and It also depends on the brand you like.

Speaking of the Cocktail Mix Snack, I especially enjoy the ones that are a mix of corn snacks with cheese balls and buttery flavor. Theses snacks can go for 1.29


My favorite hygiene products are: One deodorant and shaving gel. The deodorant from one of the supermarkets here in Portugal, for just 0.89€. As for the shaving gel, I bought it when I lived in England, not really sure where you can buy here in Portugal, but I saw it on sale at Boots that ships to Portugal and its price is £2.66.

And with this I finish my favorites of last month. I hope you have enjoyed, sorry for being just a few items. I hope to return soon for more blog posts. I see you soon.

Thanks for reading Ana Kyle 🐱

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