Some facts about me

by - 13:49

  1. I  love cats I like dogs to but more cats 
  2. I love tea 
  3. I love reading 
  4. I love rainy days
  5. I like the Christmas and my Birthday too 
  6. My favorite colors are black and purple
  7. I love pizza
  8. I like rock 
  9. I have extreme arachnophobia
  10. I'm a dreamer
  11. A little stubborn
  12. My favorite cartoon of all time is the sailor moon.
  13. I have anxiety, panic attacks, depression and dyslexia.
  14. I'm a very confused person.
  15. I am organized but I can also be messed up
  16. My real name is Ana Rita de Sousa Serrinha but my friends in England called me Anna or Catwoman so my nickname is Anna Kyle. 
  17. I like Catwoman from and the Black cat from Marvel.
  18. I'm addicted to facebook but more on YouTube and Instagram.              And it is all for now I soon bring my July favorites but there are not many. I write here for all of you very soon. 😊

Thanks for reading Ana Kyle 🐱

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2 comentários

  1. I like to get to know you better! Much success < 3

    Cloud World

  2. number 9 - your preaching to the choir girl. even the word makes my skin crawl!

    katie xx
